Founding Pastor of His Church Anglican, long-time resident of Livonia, Father of three and husband of Lisa.
Fr. Allen Kannapell, Rector, Diocesan Dean of Michigan more
Home-grown Michigander and grateful father of two and husband (to Alice), Novi H.S. graduate
Fr. Greg McComas, Asst. Rector
APD, Awesome personable dispatcher, to help focus and rally us troops.
Sallie Gatlin, Organizational & Parish Development Sherpa
Yep, he does that. And we'll get Sylvia a well-earned blurb too!
Music Minister & Technical Director. Ryan oversees the creative elements in each service, and makes sure we have the technical equipment to best lead us in worship.
Ryan Maike, Music & Tech Grand Kahuna, UA Virtuoso
Mrs. Maike is our utility infielder, Max's mom, Ryan's wife, and God's artistic soldier
Sylvia Maike, Publications Asst., Tech Coordinator
Storied home-school directress and leader/teacher/advocate for our youth.
Nancy Frey, Youth Multi-hyphenate
Hard-working spark-plug of an artist with bits, bytes, and even brooms.
Derek Trestain, Renaissance Sexton & Techno-design-meister