"I Am the Vine; you are the branches..."
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"ABIDE in Me..."

Jesus says, "Abide in Me, and I in you, ... and you will bear much fruit." (John 15)
Join us as we serve Jesus, as He saves, heals and reconciles all who trust in Him.

** Worship In-Person & Online **  

About Us

HCA Identity & Worship. Our mission is to serve Jesus as He saves, heals and reconciles. We value God's kingdom, genuine prayer, deep community, sacrificial obedience and beautiful worship.  
Learn ABOUT us, WORSHIP Info & more.

Jesus is Salvation

As Jesus says, "I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life...." He is making generations of disciples and advancing His Kingdom in our midst. Through the power of God's Word and Holy Spirit, we know Him and His saving Life.
Know Jesus through His Words

Faith & Love

Whoever you are, come join us in the adventure of authentic, living faith. We are called to serve Jesus, who says, "As I have loved you, you also are to love one another."   Active members: Log into the church directory here , edit your own information, and connect with your groups.    


God is One, in Holy Trinity. Our vertical connection with God the Father is by the loving sacrifice of Jesus, God the Son.
He saves all who trust in him, fills them with God the Holy Spirit and nourishes them with his Word and Sacrament.
We live out and grow in this connection with Prayer and Worship to God, and love for one another.

[These graphics are of church tapestries by Paula Murphy, photos by Ann Horn]

Community Care & Discipleship
Friends, Fun, Formation & Faith
Bringing God's love to others
Supporting our common worship
Questions? Comments? Mailing list?
Thank you for your generosity!


A small treasury of various information to help us grow closer to God

Worship In-Person Saturdays 5pm, Sundays 10:30am In-person & Livestream


o Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner & Swing Dance, Tuesday, March 4th, 5:30 PM
o Ash Wednesday services, Wednesday, March 5th, 7 AM, 12 PM, 7 PM.
o Motus Dei: Open Mic and Art Share, Monthly on 3rd Saturdays, 7 PM.

Questions? email hcachurch@gmail.com or phone 734-367-0422


Contact us

Call (734) 367-0422; or email hcachurch@gmail.com.
34500 Six Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48152